
Herääminen Kevääseen...

Nyt on ajat menossa - 
'kevääseen ja kesään'...
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*Herääminen - Kevääseen*

 Huonekasvissa havaittavissa 'heräämistä' kevääseen...

Olisiko sittenkin ajatus 'Keväästä' hieman ennen aikaista...?

Hieman se sinne kevääseen päin on menossa...!
Ulos kun katselin ikkunasta ei oikein siltä näyttänyt.
Pakkaslunta tuulen mukana tuiskuksi saakka...
Virittäydy siinä sitten 'kevääseen'...!!!
Nohh... "kyllä se siittä..."!

7 kommenttia:

  1. Hämmästyttävää oli katsoa ikkunasta ulos: lumipeite maassa. Mutta kyllä se sitä. Hauskan pirtsakat värit kasvikuvassasi. :-)

  2. Täälläkin tuli aamulla luntaräntää töistä tullessa... ilma oli vähän kuin vappuna Kemissä.

  3. Did I see it wright Eco. I love snow but not at this time of the year. Brrr. Have a nice evening

  4. Jolines, vaya frio..buenas fotos..un abarzo desde Murcia..seguimos..

  5. Hello from France
    I am very happy to welcome you!
    Your blog is accepted in the Finland section in a minute!
    On the right side with the books of green! You will find the country with the names of blogs by Country
    The creation of this new blog "directory", allow a rapprochement between different countries, knowledge of different cultures and share traditions.et us different passions, fashion, paintings, crafts, cooking, photography, poetry and so be able to find in different countries in other people with similar passions.
    We are fortunate to be on the Blogspot platform that offers the opportunity to speak to the world.
    The more people and more opportunities that will, yes, I confess, I need people to know this blog!
    You are in some way the Ambassador of this blog and your Country.
    This is not a personal blog, I create for all to enjoy
    It is you also have to make known after your contacts and friends in your blog domain, the success of this blog, depends all Participants.
    So during your next comments with your friends ask them to come in the 'Directory' by joining in joining in our comments:
    *** I am in the directory come join me! http://world-directory-sweetmelody.blogspot.com/ ***
    You want this directory is more important? help me to make it grow
    Your blog is in the list Finland and I hope this list will grow very quickly
    We ask that you follow our blog and place a badge of your choice has to know the "directory" to your friends to put on your blog

    If you wish to know the blog of your friends, send me their urls

  6. Todos juntos -
    Gracias por sus visitas y comentarios ...
    Saludos de primavera de Eco

    Alles bij elkaar -
    Bedankt voor jullie bezoekjes en reacties ...
    Spring Groeten Eco

    All together -
    Thanks for your visits and comments ...
    Spring Greetings Eco

    Kaikki yhdessä -
    Kiitos vierailuista ja kommenteista ...
    Kevät Terveisiä Eco
